FabulousCode Blog

Saturday, June 3, 2023

Dynamic Pivot Results to a Temp Table

June 03, 2023 0
Dynamic Pivot Results to a Temp Table


Dynamic Pivot Results to a Temp Table

                 FROM #QUES_TEMP QT
                 GROUP BY QT.QUESTION_DESC
                 FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE
                 ).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)')

set @query = 'SELECT EVAL_ID, AuditType, ' + @cols + ' 
            select     QT.EVAL_ID,

            from #QUES_TEMP QT
         ) x

             for QUESTION_DESC in (' + @cols + ')
        ) p '

set @query = 'select * into ##Temp from ('+@query+') y'
select * from ##Temp
Source :: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22503366/dynamic-pivot-results-to-a-temp-table

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Close the dialog box of jQuery

March 21, 2023 0
Close the dialog box of jQuery


$(document).ready($(function () {
                $('#searchFacility').button().on("click", function () {
                    $("#modalSearch").load('/Home/FacilitySearch').dialog({ autoOpen: false, modal: true, close: function (event, ui) {
                        alert('Dialog closing');
                    return false;
$(document).ready($(function () {
        $("#btnCancel").button().on("click", function () {

Saturday, March 11, 2023

Top 10 Websites to Help Programmers

March 11, 2023 0
Top 10 Websites to Help Programmers

 1. https://stackoverflow.com/

2. https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/


4. https://coderbyte.com/

5. https://www.codewars.com/

6. https://www.codingame.com/

7. https://geektastic.com/

8. https://www.hackerrank.com/

9. https://leetcode.com/

10. https://www.tutorialspoint.com/

11. https://www.w3schools.com/

12. https://www.sqlservertutorial.net/

13. https://www.canva.com/

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Multiple like search In SQL Server

March 08, 2023 0
Multiple like search In SQL Server

 Multiple like search In SQL Server

Example :

Tblb.col1 Like '%'+Tbla.Col2+'%'
Help Link :  https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1865353/combining-like-and-in-for-sql-server

Use Practical In Work 

FROM( SELECT OBD.orderRowNo,OBD.OrderBookingID,OBD.OrderDetailBodyID,OBD.FabricDia,OBD.FabricGSM,OBD.KnittingOrderQty,OBD.DyeingOrderQty,FabricFormID,ColorID,OBD.FabricTypeID,OBD.YarnTypeID,OBD.MeasureUnitID,OBD.GarmentsColor
tblOrderBookingDetailBody OBD INNER JOIN tblOrderBookingHead OH ON OH.OrderBookingID=OBD.OrderBookingID 
WHERE OH.OrderCurrentStatus=2) FX INNER JOIN #Orderinfo Tblb ON
FX.YarnTypeID Like '%'+CAST(Tblb.YarnTypeID AS VARCHAR)+'%' 
AND FX.FabricFormID Like '%'+ CAST(Tblb.FabricFormID AS VARCHAR)+'%' 
AND FX.ColorID Like '%'+ CAST(Tblb.ColorID AS VARCHAR)+'%' 
AND FX.FabricTypeID Like '%'+ CAST(Tblb.FabricTypeID AS VARCHAR)+'%' 
AND FX.FabricDia Like '%'+Tblb.FabricDia+'%'
AND FX.FabricGSM Like '%'+Tblb.FabricGSM+'%'

Monday, February 6, 2023

SQL SERVER TCP/IP Configuration

February 06, 2023 0
SQL SERVER TCP/IP Configuration


  1. Enable TCP/IP in SQL Server Configuration

    When two or more SQL Servers are connected across network they do all communication using TCP/IP. The default port of SQL Server installation is 1433. This port can be changed through SQL Server Configuration Manager. TCP/IP should be enabled for SQL Server to be connected.

    • Go to All Programs >> Microsoft SQL Server 2008 >> Configuration Tools >> SQL Server Configuration Manager >> Select TCP/IP
    • Right Click on TCP/IP >> Click on Enable

    You must restart SQL Server Services for all the changes to take effect. Right click and go to menu properties to select location where default port of SQL Server can be changed.

    Reference Link ::

  2. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18060667/cannot-connect-to-server-a-network-related-or-instance-specific-error  

Monday, June 27, 2022

How to Solving debugging error in Visual studio

June 27, 2022 0
How to Solving debugging error in Visual studio


Resolving breakpoint will not be hit error ways

  1. We will start with simple solution, try to clean your solution and then re-build. For this, simply open your "Solution Explorer", select your "Solution" and right click on it, Select "Clean Solution", once solution is cleaned, which will delete all the compiled and temporary files associated with a solution, select "Build" solution and then check if issue exists.
  2. Make sure, you have set configuration to "Debug" mode and you are not working on "Release" mode while debugging your application.
  3. If the above 2 methods doesn't work for you, you can try for second method to make sure, your .NET solution is confugured properly, follow these steps
    • Right click on your project name
    • Select Properties
    • Select the "Build" tab
    • Make sure "Define DEBUG constant" and "Define TRACE constant" are checked
    • Make sure "Optimize Code" is unchecked
    • Click the "Advanced" button at the bottom of the Build tab page
    • Make sure that "Debug Info:" is set to "full"
    • Click "Ok" and re-build your project.
  4. If all of the above steps, doesn't work for you, you can try to disable the "Just My Code" option in the Debug/General settings.
    For this navigate to "debug" -> select "options" and then from right-pane, de-select "Enable just my code"

Example credit link :

Friday, January 14, 2022

select all columns from first table and only one column from second table on inner join

January 14, 2022 0
select all columns from first table and only one column from second table on inner join


SELECT  tb1.*, tb2.x
FROM    tableA tb1
        INNER JOIN tableB tb2
            ON tb1.a = tb2.a

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Date and Time Conversions Using SQL Server

January 04, 2022 0
Date and Time Conversions Using SQL Server


select convert(varchar, getdate(), 1) mm/dd/yy 12/30/06

select convert(varchar, getdate(), 2) yy.mm.dd 06.12.30

select convert(varchar, getdate(), 3) dd/mm/yy 30/12/06

select convert(varchar, getdate(), 4) dd.mm.yy 30.12.06

select convert(varchar, getdate(), 5) dd-mm-yy 30-12-06

select convert(varchar, getdate(), 6) dd-Mon-yy 30 Dec 06

select convert(varchar, getdate(), 7) Mon dd, yy Dec 30, 06

select convert(varchar, getdate(), 10) mm-dd-yy 12-30-06

select convert(varchar, getdate(), 11) yy/mm/dd 06/12/30

select convert(varchar, getdate(), 12) yymmdd 061230

select convert(varchar, getdate(), 23) yyyy-mm-dd 2006-12-30

select convert(varchar, getdate(), 101) mm/dd/yyyy 12/30/2006

select convert(varchar, getdate(), 102) yyyy.mm.dd 2006.12.30

select convert(varchar, getdate(), 103) dd/mm/yyyy 30/12/2006

select convert(varchar, getdate(), 104) dd.mm.yyyy 30.12.2006

select convert(varchar, getdate(), 105) dd-mm-yyyy 30-12-2006

select convert(varchar, getdate(), 106) dd Mon yyyy 30 Dec 2006

select convert(varchar, getdate(), 107) Mon dd, yyyy Dec 30, 2006

select convert(varchar, getdate(), 110) mm-dd-yyyy 12-30-2006

select convert(varchar, getdate(), 111) yyyy/mm/dd 2006/12/30

select convert(varchar, getdate(), 112) yyyymmdd 20061230


8 select convert(varchar, getdate(), 8) hh:mm:ss 00:38:54

14 select convert(varchar, getdate(), 14) hh:mm:ss:nnn 00:38:54:840

24 select convert(varchar, getdate(), 24) hh:mm:ss 00:38:54

108 select convert(varchar, getdate(), 108) hh:mm:ss 00:38:54

114 select convert(varchar, getdate(), 114) hh:mm:ss:nnn 00:38:54:840


0 select convert(varchar, getdate(), 0) Mon dd yyyy hh:mm AM/PM Dec 30 2006 12:38AM

9 select convert(varchar, getdate(), 9) Mon dd yyyy hh:mm:ss:nnn AM/PM Dec 30 2006 12:38:54:840AM

13 select convert(varchar, getdate(), 13) dd Mon yyyy hh:mm:ss:nnn AM/PM 30 Dec 2006 00:38:54:840AM

20 select convert(varchar, getdate(), 20) yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss 2006-12-30 00:38:54

21 select convert(varchar, getdate(), 21) yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss:nnn 2006-12-30 00:38:54.840

22 select convert(varchar, getdate(), 22) mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss AM/PM 12/30/06 12:38:54 AM

25 select convert(varchar, getdate(), 25) yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss:nnn 2006-12-30 00:38:54.840

100 select convert(varchar, getdate(), 100) Mon dd yyyy hh:mm AM/PM Dec 30 2006 12:38AM

109 select convert(varchar, getdate(), 109) Mon dd yyyy hh:mm:ss:nnn AM/PM Dec 30 2006 12:38:54:840AM

113 select convert(varchar, getdate(), 113) dd Mon yyyy hh:mm:ss:nnn 30 Dec 2006 00:38:54:840

120 select convert(varchar, getdate(), 120) yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss 2006-12-30 00:38:54

121 select convert(varchar, getdate(), 121) yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss:nnn 2006-12-30 00:38:54.840

126 select convert(varchar, getdate(), 126) yyyy-mm-dd T hh:mm:ss:nnn 2006-12-30T00:38:54.840

127 select convert(varchar, getdate(), 127) yyyy-mm-dd T hh:mm:ss:nnn 2006-12-30T00:38:54.840


130 select convert(nvarchar, getdate(), 130) dd mmm yyyy hh:mi:ss:nnn AM/PM  

131 select convert(nvarchar, getdate(), 131) dd mmm yyyy hh:mi:ss:nnn AM/PM 10/12/1427 12:38:54:840AM

You can also format the date or time without dividing characters, as well as concatenate the date and time string:

Sample statement Format Output

select replace(convert(varchar, getdate(),101),'/','') mmddyyyy 12302006

select replace(convert(varchar, getdate(),101),'/','') + replace(convert(varchar, getdate(),108),':','') mmddyyyyhhmmss 12302006004426

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Multiple case function in sqlserver

December 01, 2021 0
Multiple case function in sqlserver


SELECT GreyReceiveTypeName,


 CASE GreyReceiveTypeName WHEN 'Bulk' THEN 'Bulk' WHEN 'Sample' THEN 'Sample' WHEN 'Order Related Sample' THEN 'Sample' 

WHEN 'Others Sample' THEN 'Sample' WHEN 'RETURN' THEN 'RETURN' WHEN 'Replacement' THEN 'Replacement' WHEN 'Coller Cuff' THEN 'Coller Cuff' WHEN 'Coller Cuff' THEN 'Short Qty'

WHEN 'Process Loss Qty' THEN 'Process Loss Qty'  ELSE '' END ProductionType 

Monday, December 7, 2020

Table multiple Add Row and Delete Row In jquery

December 07, 2020 0
Table multiple Add Row and Delete Row  In jquery


 var ItemList = [];

    function GetSecurity_RosterShiftDetails() {


        var obj = {           

            RosteID: $('#dlRoster').val(),

            EmployeeID: $('#txtEmployeeID').val(),

            ShiftID: $('#dlShifts').val(),

            StartDate: $('#txtShiftStartDate').val()


        //var PostList = PostList.substring(0, PostList.length - 1);


            type: "POST",

            url: '@Url.Action("GetSecurity_OTEmployee", "SecurityRoster")',

            dataType: "JSON",

            data: JSON.stringify({ "obj": obj }),

            contentType: "application/json;charset=utf-8",

            success: function (data) {

                if (data.length > 0) {

                    var item = "";

                    $.each(data, function (i, obj) {

                        var button = '<button class="" style="padding: 1px 10px;background:green;color:white;" onclick="ReplaceGuard(' + obj.RosterOTID + ',\'' + obj.EmployeeID + '\')">Replace</button>' +

                                  '<button class="" style="padding: 1px 10px;background:red;color:white;" onclick="Delete(' + obj.RosterOTID + ')">Del</button>';

                        if (obj.IsDeleted == 1) {

                            var button = '<span style="padding: 1px 10px;color:red;background:#f6fb66;font-weight:bold;">Deleted</span>' +

                                   '<a class="" style="padding: 1px 3px;font-weight:bold;cursor:pointer;"title="UNDO This Data." onclick="Undo(' + obj.RosterOTID + ')"><u>UNDO</u></a>';


                        var updatevalue = "";

                        if (obj.RosterOTID == "" || obj.RosterOTID == null) {

                            updatevalue = "SaveData()";

                        } else {

                            updatevalue = 'updateData(' + obj.RosterOTID + ')';


                        var exot = $("#Exot").val();

                        var maxlenth = "";

                        var readonly = "";

                        if (exot == "EX.OT") {

                            maxlenth = "";

                            readonly = "";

                        } else {

                            maxlenth = 'maxlength="2"';

                            readonly = "readonly";


                        var Dayoff = "";

                        if (obj.Dayoff == "" || obj.Dayoff == "") {

                            Dayoff = "";

                        } else {

                            Dayoff = "background-color:yellow;";



                        var newRow = '';

                        item += '<tr style="text-align:center;'+Dayoff+'">' +

                                '<td alt="RosterShiftDetailsID"  style="display:none;">' + obj.RosterShiftDetailsID + '</td>' +

                                  '<td alt="GuardListID"  style="display:none;">' + obj.GuardListID + '</td>' +

                                '<td style="width:12px;">' + (i + 1) + '</td>' +

                                '<td style="text-align:left;padding-left:10px;">' + obj.Shift + '</td>' +

                                '<td style="text-align:left;padding-left:10px;">' + obj.EmployeeName + '</td>' +

                                '<td>' + obj.EmployeeID + '</td>' +

                                '<td>' + obj.Designation + '</td>' +

                                 '<td style="width:150px;"><input  value="' + obj.ShiftName + '" id="txtShiftName_' + (i + 1) + '" type="text" style="width:100px;" list="dlShift" class="dlShift"/></td>' +

                                  '<td style="width:150px;"><input ' + maxlenth + '  value="' + obj.StartTime + '" id="txtStartTime" type="text" style="width:100px;"  class="txtStartTime"/></td>' +

                                  '<td style="width:150px;"><input ' + maxlenth + ' value="' + obj.EndTime + '" id="txtEndTiime" type="text" style="width:100px;"  class="txtEndTime"/></td>' +

                                '<td style="width:220px;"><input value="' + obj.PostName + '" id="txtPostName_' + (i + 1) + '" type="text" style="width:220px;" list="dlPostName" class="dlPostName"/></td>' +

                                   '<td style="width:75px;"><input ' + readonly + ' value="' + obj.Hours + '" id="txtHour" type="text" style="width:70px;background-color: aquamarine;"  class="txtHour"/></td>' +

                                   '<td><a onclick="OTinformationDetails(' + obj.GuardListID + ')" rel="">' + obj.EmployeeOT + '</a></td>' +

                                   '<td style="width:75px;"><button class="btn btn-success" type="button" onclick="' + updatevalue + '">Save</button></td>' +

                                    '<td  style="width:150px;">' + button + '</td>' +

                                    '<td  style="width:150px;display:none;">' + obj.RosterOTID + '</td>' +

                                    '<td style="' + newRow + '"><img src="../Images/Global/add-image.png" style="height:25px; width:25px" alt="Add Row" class="AddFRRow"/><img src="../Images/Global/delete-image.png" style="height:25px; width:25px" alt="delete Row" class="DelFRRow"/></td>' +







                } else {







   $(document).on('click', '.AddFRRow', function () {

            var indx = $(this).closest('tr').index();

            var content = '<tr style="height:25px">' + $(this).closest('tr').html() + '</tr>';

            $('#tableShift tr:eq(' + (indx + 1) + ')').after(content);

            $tr = $(this).closest("tr").clone();


            $('#tableShift tr:eq(' + (indx + 2) + ')').addClass('gridclick');


       $(document).on('click', '.DelFRRow', function () {

           var id = $(this).closest('tr').children('td:eq(29)').text();

            FRRowID = $(this).closest('tr').children('td:eq(29)').text();


           if (id == '0' || id == 'X') {


               //ShowCustomDialog('Row Deleted.', 'Fast React');


           else {

              //btnID = 'FRDelete';

             //msg = 'Are you sure want to Delete this Color From FastReact ?';


                Show_Alert('You Can Not Delete Saved Info From FastReact.', 'W');






December 07, 2020 0




    <script type="text/javascript" src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js"></script>

    <script type="text/javascript">

        $(function () {

            $('#btnTransfer').on('click', function () {

                var tr = $("#dvOrders").find("TR:has(td)").clone();





    <img alt="" style="cursor: pointer" src="../images/plus.png">

        <table id="dvOrders" class="secondtable">













                        topic name



                        video url



                        Notes url









                        assign name
















                        Hello NEW












                       <input type="text" />
















                        Hello NEW












                       <input type="text" />









    <br />

    <input type="button" onclick="" value="NEW EXTEA OT" id="btnTransfer" />

    <table id="main">












                topic name



                video url



                Notes url









                assign name








Sunday, December 6, 2020

Html data Grouping in Jquery

December 06, 2020 0
Html data  Grouping in Jquery



tr.group { border-top: 1px solid black; 



<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>

<table id="tb" style="border-collapse:collapse;" cellpadding="5" width="500px">





























































function groupRows() {

    var last = null;

var first=null;

    $("table tbody tr td:nth-child(3)").each(function() {

        if ((last) && (last != this.innerText)) {


$(this).parent().before('<tr><td colspan="5">my data</td></tr>');

//$('#tb tbody').append('<tr><td colspan="5">my data</td></tr>');


        last = this.innerText;





